Monday, February 21, 2011

handphones?? nowadays. -_-"

Asslamulaikum and selamat sejahtera everybody..!!
whats up dudes and dudades...(ada ka pkatan gini dlm BI..)
today me hanif myelf is going to talk about .handphones. nowadays...(jeng.jeng..jeng..) sfx:thrilling
well peoples or so-called as the homosapiens nowadays are exteremely amazed by these new realeased handphones...
as a matter of a facts me myself is a teenager..couldn't help my self when looking at these awsome+fantastic phones..
theres many types of in the phones are one of the top best seller...
teenage eventually ggot to obsessed with these junk..
some relialble source said a majority (57%) of teens view their cell phone as the key to their social life..
they compete each other just to show off that they got something as we called "cool".
phones such as IPHONEs series , SE , NOKIA , SAMSUNG are popular among these kinda people.
some said for clothing, teens say, a person’s cell phone tells the most about their social status or popularity, outranking jewelry, watches and shoes..
don't you realize it's wasting your money????? seriously i admit its a pain in the neck..
i've got a friend ..he lived in *****..he told me that once he bought a smart phone..he spent his money about RM1800 to buy that handphone..when he wore it..he said "memang best la..die pnye dlm gile mcm komputer..puas aty aku beli."
but one day he need money real bad..and he had to sold his handphone..guess how much he got??
only RM 600..OMG..thats more than half price i said...ISN'T THAT A WASTE GUYS???...(lebih baik beli mkanan..) (lapar ni)
oouch thats hurt right??
for the homo sapiens out there...seriously save your money, stay in school, don't get lazy, go to work or something that gives you benefits..

 credit to : all brands

P/s : ni enset aku..
 aku pun pkai enset touch screen gak.. :-P
kire ok laa aku gtau korg sebab aku merasa..
kasi warning sama korg...

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